
How to Accept Credit Card Payments: A Comprehensive Guide for Businesses

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    Unlock Success by Accepting Credit Card Payments Today!

    In today’s ever-evolving digital economy, accepting credit card and debit card payments has become crucial for businesses. As an increasing number of customers prefer cashless transactions, businesses must adapt to meet this demand and stay competitive.

    This comprehensive guide will help business owners understand the importance of accepting credit and debit card payments, explore the growth of cashless transactions, and discover the benefits of incorporating credit cards, debit cards, and credit card processors into their business operations.

    Key Takeaways

    • Cashless transactions have experienced significant growth, driven by technology advancements and the rise of mobile payments.
    • Incorporating credit card payments offers benefits such as increased sales, improved cash flow, enhanced customer experience, global reach, and reduced risk of fraud and theft.
    • Factors to consider when selecting a payment processing system include pricing and fees, processing speed, security and fraud protection, customer support, and integrations and compatibility.
    • When applying for a merchant account, businesses must provide the necessary documentation, such as proof of registration, business license, tax identification number, and financial statements.
    • Payment processors often conduct credit checks during the application process to assess the business’s financial stability and determine risk.
    • Understanding the terms and conditions of a merchant account contract is crucial, including clauses relating to early termination fees, service limitations, and liability for fraud or chargebacks.
    • Payment service providers (PSPs) offer a streamlined approach to accepting credit card payments, with benefits such as ease of use, no long-term contracts, and fast setup.
    • Comparing PSPs involves considering factors like fees, transaction rates, features, and services offered by different providers.
    • Point-of-sale (POS) systems are essential for efficient credit card processing, and businesses should consider factors such as functionality, hardware compatibility, integrations, scalability, and support when choosing a system.
    • E-commerce platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, and Magento, along with payment gateways, enable businesses to accept credit card payments online.
    • Ensuring online payment security involves obtaining SSL certificates, complying with PCI DSS standards, securely storing customer data, and utilizing tokenization and encryption methods.
    • Maintaining credit card payment security requires complying with PCI DSS standards, using EMV chip cards, implementing tokenization and encryption, and providing employee training on best practices.

    Importance Of Accepting Credit Card Paymentspen and credit card

    Accepting credit card payments is essential for businesses that want to cater to modern customers’ preferences and expectations. As more people rely on digital payment methods, businesses that fail to accept credit cards risk losing potential customers to competitors who offer more convenient payment options.

    Furthermore, accepting credit cards can help businesses build trust and credibility, as customers often perceive businesses that accept multiple payment methods, including credit card processors, as more established and reliable.

    Growth Of Cashless Transactions

    Over the past few years, cashless transactions have experienced exponential growth, driven by advancements in technology and the widespread adoption of smartphones. Mobile wallets, digital payment apps, contactless payment options, and mobile card readers have gained popularity among consumers for their convenience and ease of use. As cashless transactions become increasingly common, businesses must adapt their payment methods to meet this growing demand and stay relevant in the market.

    Benefits Of Accepting Credit Cards for Businesses

    There are several benefits to incorporating credit card payments into your business operations, including:

    1. Increased Sales: Accepting credit cards can lead to higher sales, as customers are more likely to make impulse purchases and spend more when they can use their credit cards.

    2. Improved Cash Flow: Credit card payments are typically processed faster than checks or cash, leading to improved cash flow for businesses.

    3. Enhanced Customer Experience: By offering multiple payment options, businesses can enhance the overall customer experience and cater to different customer preferences.

    4. Global Reach: Accepting credit cards can help businesses expand their customer base by enabling international transactions and attracting customers from around the world.

    5. Reduced Risk of Fraud and Theft: Electronic payments reduce the risk of theft and fraud associated with handling large amounts of cash.

    Accepting Credit Card Payments Like A Pro!

    This comprehensive guide will provide business owners with valuable insights and tips on how to accept credit card payments effectively. We will explore various payment processing systems, discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different payment methods, and offer practical advice on setting up and managing credit card payment systems. By following this guide, businesses can make informed decisions about incorporating credit card payments into their operations and capitalize on the benefits they offer.

    Choosing The Right Payment Processing System

    credit card processor

    To successfully accept credit card payments, businesses must choose the most suitable payment processing system that caters to their needs and requirements. In this section, we will discuss the two main types of payment processors and the factors businesses should consider when making their decision.

    Types Of Payment Processors

    1. Traditional Merchant Accounts

    A merchant account is a specialized bank account that enables businesses to accept credit card payments through a credit card processor. Traditional merchant accounts are offered by banks and merchant service providers, which act as intermediaries between businesses and credit card networks. With a merchant account, businesses can accept payments from various credit card brands, such as Visa, Mastercard, and American Express.

    2. Payment Service Providers

    Payment service providers (PSPs) are third-party companies that enable businesses to accept credit card payments without the need for a dedicated merchant account. PSPs aggregate multiple merchants’ transactions, making it easier for small businesses to get started with credit card processing. Some popular PSPs include PayPal, Square, and Stripe.

    Factors To Consider

    When selecting a payment processing system, businesses should consider the following factors:

    1. Pricing and Fees

    Payment processors charge various fees for their services, such as transaction fees, monthly fees, and setup fees. Businesses should carefully compare the pricing structures of different processors to find the most cost-effective solution.

    2. Processing Speed

    The speed at which transactions are processed and funds are transferred to the business’s bank account is a critical factor to consider. Faster processing times can improve cash flow and overall business operations.

    3. Security And Fraud Protection

    As credit card transactions can be susceptible to fraud, it’s essential to choose a payment processor that prioritizes security and fraud protection. Look for processors that adhere to the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) and offer advanced security features, such as encryption and tokenization.

    4. Customer Support

    Reliable customer support is crucial for resolving any issues that may arise during the payment processing journey. Opt for processors that offer 24/7 support via phone, email, or live chat to ensure timely assistance when needed.

    5. Integrations And Compatibility

    A payment processor should integrate seamlessly with your existing business systems, such as accounting software, e-commerce platforms, and point-of-sale (POS) systems. Compatibility with your current infrastructure will streamline operations and create a more cohesive customer experience.

    Setting Up A Merchant Account

    For businesses looking to accept credit card payments, setting up a merchant account is an important step. This section will guide you through the application process, provide an overview of the approval timeline, and offer tips on understanding your merchant account contract.

    Application Process

    1. Required Documentation

    When applying for a merchant account, businesses need to provide various documentation to verify their identity, financial stability, and business legitimacy. Common documents required include:

    • Proof of business registration
    • Business License
    • Tax identification number
    • Bank account information
    • Business financial statements
    • Personal credit history (for small business owners)

    2. Credit Check

    Payment processors typically conduct a credit check during the application process to assess the business’s financial stability and the risk associated with processing transactions. A good credit score can help secure favorable terms and lower fees, while a poor credit score may result in higher fees or even denial of the application.

    Approval Process And Timeline

    credit card processor applicaton document

    Once the required documentation has been submitted and the credit check completed, the payment processor will review the application. The approval process can take anywhere from a few hours to several business days, depending on the processor and the complexity of the application. If approved, the business will receive a merchant identification number (MID) and can begin processing credit card payments.

    Understanding Your Merchant Account Contract

    Before signing a merchant account contract, it’s essential to thoroughly review and understand its terms and conditions. Key areas to focus on include:

    1. Terms and Conditions

    The terms and conditions outline the rights and responsibilities of both the business and the payment processor. Pay close attention to any clauses regarding early termination fees, service limitations, and liability for fraud or chargebacks.

    2. Fees And Charges

    Merchant account contracts include various fees and charges, such as transaction fees, monthly fees, setup fees, and gateway fees. Understanding the fee structure is crucial to managing costs and ensuring the chosen processor is cost-effective for your business.

    3. Chargeback Policies

    Chargebacks occur when customers dispute a transaction, and the funds are returned to the customer. Each payment processor has its chargeback policies, which may include fees and penalties for excessive chargebacks. Familiarize yourself with these policies to avoid unexpected costs and to develop strategies for minimizing chargebacks.

    Utilizing Payment Service Providers

    For businesses that prefer a more streamlined approach to accepting credit card payments, payment service providers (PSPs) can be an excellent alternative to traditional merchant accounts. In this section, we will explore the benefits of using PSPs, discuss some popular options, and provide guidance on comparing their fees, transaction rates, features, and services.

    Benefits Of Payment Service Providers

    1. Ease Of Use

    PSPs offer a user-friendly experience, making it easy for businesses to set up and manage their payment processing. They often provide intuitive interfaces and simple integration options, allowing businesses to quickly start accepting credit card payments.

    2. No Long-term Contracts

    Many PSPs operate on a pay-as-you-go basis, without requiring long-term contracts or commitment. This flexibility can be particularly appealing to small businesses, startups, or businesses with seasonal fluctuations in sales.

    3. Fast Setup

    Setting up an account with a PSP is typically quicker and more straightforward than applying for a traditional merchant account. Businesses can often start accepting payments within hours or days, rather than weeks.

    Popular Payment Service Providers

    1. Exatouch: Seamlessly Simplify Transactions and Revolutionize Your Payment Experience

      • Dive into the world of Exatouch, the industry-leading payment service provider that takes your business to new heights.
      • Discover how Exatouch streamlines transactions, enhances customer experiences, and amplifies your bottom line.
      • Unleash the power of Exatouch’s advanced features, intuitive interface, and robust reporting capabilities.
      • Stay ahead of the competition with Exatouch’s innovative solutions, tailored specifically to meet your business needs.
    2. Clover: Unleash the Full Potential of Your Business with Clover’s Cutting-Edge Payment Solutions

      • Embark on a transformative journey with Clover, the dynamic payment service provider that redefines the way you do business.
      • Harness the versatility of Clover’s state-of-the-art devices and software, designed to optimize your operations.
      • Tap into Clover’s vast ecosystem of apps and integrations, empowering you to customize your payment system effortlessly.
      • Experience the seamless integration of payment processing, inventory management, and customer engagement with Clover’s game-changing solutions.
    3. ProCharge: Elevate Your Payment Processing to New Heights with ProCharge’s Premium Services

      • Ascend to a new level of payment excellence with ProCharge, the premier payment service provider dedicated to fueling your success.
      • Explore ProCharge’s unparalleled security measures and fraud protection, ensuring peace of mind for you and your customers.
      • Unlock the potential for growth and scalability with ProCharge’s flexible payment options, tailored to suit your evolving needs.
      • Discover the seamless integration of ProCharge with your existing systems, optimizing efficiency and streamlining your operations.

    Immerse yourself in the world of these top-tier payment service providers, and watch your business flourish as you embrace the cutting-edge technology, unmatched features, and unparalleled support they bring to the table. Choose your ideal partner today and revolutionize the way you accept credit card payments for a brighter, more prosperous future!

    Comparing Payment Service Providers

    When choosing a PSP, businesses should consider the following factors:

    1. Fees And Transaction Rates

    PSPs typically charge a percentage of each transaction, along with a flat fee per transaction. Some may also charge monthly or setup fees. Compare the pricing structures of different PSPs to find the most cost-effective solution for your business.

    2. Features And Services

    Different PSPs offer varying features and services, such as invoicing, recurring billing, and integration with e-commerce platforms. Consider your business’s unique needs and requirements when evaluating the features and services offered by each PSP.

    Implementing Point-of-Sale (POS) Systems

    Point-of-sale (POS) systems are a crucial component of many businesses, as they enable the efficient processing of credit card payments, tracking of inventory, and management of customer information. In this section, we will discuss the different types of POS systems, provide guidance on choosing the right one for your business, and introduce some popular POS system providers.

    Types Of POS Systems

    1. Traditional POS Systems

    Traditional POS systems are stationary setups commonly used in brick-and-mortar businesses such as retail stores and restaurants. These systems typically include hardware components like cash registers, barcode scanners, receipt printers, and credit card readers. Traditional POS systems are known for their robust functionality and can handle high transaction volumes.

    2. Mobile POS Systems

    Mobile POS systems offer a more flexible and portable solution, ideal for businesses that require mobility, such as food trucks, pop-up shops, and trade show vendors. Mobile POS systems often utilize tablets or smartphones paired with mobile card readers, allowing businesses to accept payments and manage transactions on the go.

    Choosing The Right POS System

    When selecting a POS system, consider the following factors:

    1. Functionality

    Determine the features and functions that are essential for your business, such as inventory management, sales reporting, employee management, and customer relationship management. Choose a POS system that meets your specific needs and requirements.

    2. Hardware Compatibility

    Ensure that the POS system you choose is compatible with the hardware you intend to use, such as barcode scanners, cash drawers, and receipt printers. Some POS system providers offer bundled hardware packages for seamless integration.

    3. Integrations

    Select a POS system that can easily integrate with other software and systems your business uses, such as accounting software, e-commerce platforms, and payment processors. Integration streamlines operations and simplifies data management.

    4. Scalability

    As your business grows, your POS system should be able to grow with it. Look for systems that offer the ability to add new features, users, and locations without significant difficulty or expense.

    5. Support And Training

    Choose a POS system provider that offers comprehensive support and training, ensuring that your staff can effectively use the system and resolve any issues that may arise.

    Accepting Credit Card Payments Online

    As e-commerce continues to grow, the ability to accept credit card payments online has become increasingly important for businesses. This section will discuss e-commerce platforms and payment gateways, explain the integration process, and provide guidance on ensuring online payment security.

    E-commerce Platforms And Payment Gateways

    person buying something on their phone with a credit card

    1. Shopify

    Shopify is a popular e-commerce platform that provides businesses with a comprehensive set of tools to create and manage their online stores. Shopify’s built-in payment gateway, Shopify Payments, allows merchants to seamlessly accept credit card payments without the need for additional integrations.

    2. WooCommerce

    WooCommerce is a powerful and customizable e-commerce plugin for WordPress websites. It supports various payment gateways, such as Stripe and PayPal, enabling businesses to accept credit card payments through their online stores with ease.

    3. Magento

    Magento is an open-source e-commerce platform that offers businesses the flexibility to create highly customized online stores. Magento supports a wide range of payment gateways, giving merchants the freedom to choose the one that best suits their needs.

    Integrating Payment Gateways

    1. API Integration

    API integration allows businesses to accept credit card payments directly on their website. This method provides a seamless user experience but requires technical knowledge to implement and maintain. The chosen payment gateway will provide documentation and support to guide developers through the integration process.

    2. Hosted Payment Pages

    Hosted payment pages are an alternative to API integration that involves redirecting customers to a secure payment page hosted by the payment gateway. This method simplifies the integration process and reduces the merchant’s responsibility for maintaining payment security but may not provide as seamless a user experience.

    Ensuring Online Payment Security

    1. SSL Certificates

    An SSL (Secure Socket Layer) certificate encrypts the connection between your website and your customers, ensuring that sensitive information, such as credit card details, remains secure. Obtaining an SSL certificate is a crucial step in ensuring the security of your online store and building trust with your customers.

    2. Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) Compliance

    PCI DSS is a set of security standards designed to protect cardholder data during the processing, storage, and transmission of credit card information. Businesses that accept credit card payments online must adhere to these standards to ensure the security of their customers’ information and avoid potential fines or penalties.

    3. Secure Customer Data Storage

    Storing customer data securely is essential for protecting their information and maintaining compliance with PCI DSS. Choose a payment gateway that offers secure data storage options, such as tokenization or encryption, to safeguard customer information and minimize the risk of data breaches.

    Understanding Credit Card Processing Fees

    Accepting credit card payments comes with various fees that businesses must consider when choosing a payment processor or service provider. In this section, we will discuss the types of fees associated with credit card processing, explain how these fees are calculated, and provide guidance on reducing processing costs.

    Types of Fees

    1. Transaction Fees

    Transaction fees are charged by payment processors for each credit card transaction processed. These fees usually consist of a percentage of the transaction amount plus a fixed fee per transaction. The specific rates depend on the provider, the type of card used, and the type of transaction (e.g., swiped, keyed, or online).

    2. Flat Fees

    Flat fees are monthly or annual charges that payment processors and service providers may impose for the use of their services, such as account maintenance, statement fees, or gateway fees. These fees may vary depending on the provider and the level of service offered.

    3. Incidental Fees

    Incidental fees are charges that may be incurred based on specific events or actions, such as chargebacks, refunds, or non-compliance with PCI DSS standards. These fees are generally avoidable if businesses follow best practices and maintain compliance with industry standards.

    How Fees Are Calculated

    Credit card processing fees can be calculated using several different pricing models, including:

    1. Interchange-Plus Pricing: This model separates the interchange fee (set by the card networks) and the processor’s markup, providing businesses with greater transparency and control over their costs.

    2. Tiered Pricing: In this model, transactions are grouped into different pricing tiers based on factors such as card type, transaction method, and risk level. Each tier has its own set of fees, which can make it more challenging to predict and compare costs.

    3. Flat-Rate Pricing: With flat-rate pricing, businesses pay a single, fixed rate for all transactions, regardless of card type or transaction method. This model simplifies fee structures but may result in higher overall costs for some businesses.

    Ways To Reduce Processing Fees

    1. Negotiate Rates: Some payment processors may be willing to negotiate lower rates, especially for businesses with a high transaction volume or a history of processing with low chargeback rates.

    2. Choose the Right Pricing Model: Understanding the different pricing models and selecting the one that best aligns with your business’s transaction patterns can help reduce processing fees.

    3. Improve Transaction Security: By implementing best practices to reduce the risk of fraud and chargebacks, businesses can avoid unnecessary incidental fees and may qualify for lower processing rates.

    4. Utilize Efficient Processing Methods: Ensuring that transactions are processed using the most efficient methods, such as swiping cards rather than manually entering information, can help businesses qualify for lower rates and avoid additional fees.

    Maintaining Credit Card Payment Security

    Ensuring the security of credit card payments is a critical responsibility for businesses that accept these transactions. In this section, we will discuss the importance of PCI DSS compliance, the role of EMV chip cards, the use of tokenization and encryption, and the need for employee training and best practices.

    PCI DSS Compliance

    The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a set of requirements designed to ensure the security of credit card transactions and protect cardholder data. Businesses that accept credit card payments must adhere to these standards to minimize the risk of data breaches, avoid potential fines or penalties, and maintain customer trust. Key aspects of PCI DSS compliance include implementing robust security measures, regularly monitoring and testing networks, and maintaining a vulnerability management program.

    EMV Chip Cards

    EMV (Europay, Mastercard, and Visa) chip cards offer enhanced security compared to traditional magnetic stripe cards. EMV cards use a microprocessor chip to encrypt transaction data, making it more difficult for fraudsters to access card information and create counterfeit cards. Businesses should invest in EMV-enabled card readers and train their staff to process EMV transactions correctly to reduce the risk of fraud and chargebacks.

    Tokenization And Encryption

    Tokenization and encryption are essential technologies for maintaining credit card payment security. Tokenization replaces sensitive card information with a unique, non-sensitive token that has no value if intercepted. Encryption, on the other hand, involves encoding data in such a way that only authorized parties can access it. By utilizing tokenization and encryption, businesses can minimize the risk of data breaches and protect their customers’ sensitive information.

    Employee Training And Best Practices

    Employees play a crucial role in maintaining credit card payment security. Businesses should invest in regular training programs to ensure that their staff understands the importance of security measures and follows best practices when handling credit card information. These best practices may include:

    1. Always use secure and updated software and hardware.
    2. Verifying customer identities during card-present transactions.
    3. Ensuring that card information is not stored on paper or electronically unless required and permitted by PCI DSS guidelines.
    4. Immediately report any suspicious activity or potential security breaches to the appropriate parties.

    Managing Chargebacks And Disputes

    Chargebacks and disputes are an unfortunate reality for businesses that accept credit card payments. Effectively managing these issues is crucial for maintaining customer satisfaction, protecting the business’s reputation, and minimizing financial losses. In this section, we will discuss the causes of chargebacks, provide strategies for preventing them, and offer guidance on handling chargeback disputes.

    Causes Of Chargebacks

    Chargebacks can result from a variety of factors, including:

    1. Fraudulent transactions: When a cardholder’s information is used without their authorization, they may dispute the charge, leading to a chargeback.
    2. Customer dissatisfaction: If a customer is unhappy with a product or service, they may initiate a chargeback if they feel the issue was not adequately addressed.
    3. Billing errors: Mistakes in billing, such as duplicate charges or incorrect amounts, can lead to chargebacks.
    4. Processing errors: Technical issues during the transaction process, such as authorization errors or expired cards, may result in chargebacks.

    Preventing Chargebacks

    To minimize the risk of chargebacks, businesses should implement the following strategies:

    1. Clear Refund Policies: Establish and clearly communicate a fair and transparent refund policy to customers. Ensure that this policy is easy to find on your website and included in transaction confirmations or receipts.

    2. Accurate Product Descriptions: Provide detailed and accurate descriptions of products or services on your website or marketing materials. This will help to set realistic customer expectations and reduce the likelihood of dissatisfaction.

    3. Responsive Customer Service: Offer prompt and attentive customer service to address customer concerns and resolve issues before they escalate to chargebacks. Make it easy for customers to contact your business by providing multiple communication channels, such as phone, email, or live chat.

    Handling Chargeback Disputes

    If a chargeback occurs, businesses should take the following steps to handle the dispute:

    1. Gather Evidence: Collect all relevant documentation and evidence related to the transaction, including receipts, invoices, order confirmations, shipping records, and any correspondence with the customer.

    2. Respond Promptly: Submit a well-organized and comprehensive response to the chargeback dispute within the required timeframe, usually 7 to 14 days, depending on the payment processor or card network.

    3. Monitor the Process: Stay informed about the progress of the chargeback dispute and be prepared to provide additional information or documentation if requested by the payment processor or card network.

    4. Learn and Improve: Analyze the outcome of chargeback disputes to identify patterns and areas for improvement in your business processes, customer service, or fraud prevention measures.

    Empower Your Business With Seamless Credit Card Payments

    person looking at phone at an ecommerce store

    In this comprehensive guide, we have explored the various aspects of accepting credit card payments for businesses. To recap, we have discussed the importance of:

    1. Choosing the right payment processing system, taking into account factors such as pricing, processing speed, security, customer support, and compatibility.

    2. Setting up a merchant account, understanding the application and approval process, and becoming familiar with the terms, conditions, and fees associated with your merchant account contract.

    3. Utilizing payment service providers, evaluating their benefits, comparing popular providers, and examining their fees and features.

    4. Implementing point-of-sale (POS) systems, understanding the different types available, choosing the right one for your business, and familiarizing yourself with popular POS system providers.

    5. Accepting credit card payments online through e-commerce platforms and payment gateways, integrating these gateways, and ensuring online payment security.

    6. Understanding credit card processing fees, including transaction, flat, and incidental fees, and learning how to reduce these fees.

    7. Maintaining credit card payment security by complying with PCI DSS requirements, adopting EMV chip card technology, using tokenization and encryption, and training employees on best practices.

    8. Managing chargebacks and disputes by identifying their causes, implementing strategies to prevent them, and effectively handling disputes when they arise.

    By following the guidance provided in this article, businesses can successfully navigate the complexities of accepting credit card payments and improve their overall efficiency, customer satisfaction, and profitability. As you incorporate these best practices into your business model, you will be better equipped to thrive in today’s increasingly cashless and digital economy. To find out contact Trinity Payment Solutions today!


    To easily accept credit card payments, follow these steps:

    1. Select a Payment Service Provider (PSP) like PayPal, Square, or Stripe.
    2. Sign up for an account with the chosen PSP.
    3. Integrate the PSP with your website, app, or point-of-sale system.
    4. Comply with security standards, such as PCI DSS, to protect customer data.
    5. Start accepting credit card payments through the PSP’s platform.

    To accept credit card payments, you can use:

    Payment Service Providers (PSPs) like PayPal, Square, or Stripe.
    Merchant accounts with a payment processing company or bank.
    Point-of-sale (POS) systems, including traditional and mobile options.
    Online payment gateways integrated with e-commerce platforms such as Shopify, WooCommerce, or Magento.

    The risks of accepting credit card payments include:

    Fraudulent transactions and chargebacks, can result in financial losses.
    Data breaches and security threats, potentially compromising sensitive customer information.
    Compliance with security standards like PCI DSS, requires time and resources.
    Potential disputes with customers, affecting business reputation.
    Additional fees and costs associated with credit card processing.

    To receive a credit card payment from a client, follow these steps:

    Set up a payment processing method, such as a Payment Service Provider (PSP) like PayPal, Square, or Stripe, or open a merchant account with a bank or payment processing company.
    Provide the client with a payment link, invoice, or checkout page where they can enter their credit card information securely.
    Process the payment using the chosen payment method, ensuring you adhere to security standards like PCI DSS.
    Receive the payment in your connected bank account after the payment processor deducts any transaction fees.

    To accept a card payment without a card reader, use a Payment Service Provider (PSP) that offers a manual card entry feature. With this option, you can input your customer’s credit card information directly into the PSP’s app or online platform to process the transaction.

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